West Coast Wedding Resource Facebook Group Rules:

This group is for Couples planning weddings anywhere in the following states: Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, or Arizona. (As well as for businesses that serve engaged couples.)

The following rules are so that we can keep this group helpful, fun, and mutually beneficial! These rules are subject to change at ANY time. I will try to be as gracious as possible with rule breakers because let’s be real, many of us are in many groups on FB and it can be hard to keep track of all the rules, but if I have repeat issues with the same person you will be subject to removal from group.


I want to make the rules as simple as possible for Vendors:

  1. Vendors to join the group you must be based in Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, or Arizona.

  2. Vendors can make a WALL post on FRIDAY’s only. Your wall post MUST include what State you are based in and clarify if you travel / what area of the West Coast you serve. Keep wall posts short and to the point. 

  3. Vendors may comment on “In search of” posts in moderation: (I.E. If someone is ISO venues, other types of vendors may comment with relevant info and venue suggestions buy may not leave a website link to their own services if they are not a venue) Further Example of Comment that IS allowed: (“ISO Wedding Venues in the Salt Lake City, Utah area” Comment from Photographer: “Here is a link to a blog post where I talk about my favorite venues in Salt Lake City! https.xxxxxx.com)

  4. Direct Message someone at your own risk, group members obviously reserve the right to block you, ignore your message request etc. I’m not about to be policing DM’s too hard, but let’s use common courtesy and only send someone an inbox request if it’s relevant information that they are seeking or if they specifically asked for it.

  5. NO MLM’s (If you are a vendor that also does MLM work on the side this is fine but no advertising you MLM within the group)

  6. Be kind and respectful


  1. NO MLM’s 

  2. Selling of Wedding Items is allowed if you can 1] Include just ONE photo of all items or one of the items in the main feed and then post the rest of your for sale items within the comments of your post

  3. No “ISO xxxxx that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg” Let’s just not with this one. Please clarify and instead say something like: “ISO a venue in Oregon that costs less than $XXXXX” or “My max budget for a venue is $XXXXX, but we are trying to get married in Malibu..does anyone have suggestions?” If you are not specific with your posts, you will most likely waist both your own time and the time of the vendors who are commenting to help you out as they may not be the right fit budget or location wise.

  4. If you are having an issue with a Vendor in the group please reach out to an admin before making a wall post, etc. 

  5. If you are dealing with a fraudulent Vendor whether they are or are not part of this group, please do reach out to an Admin and we will allow posts on a case by case basis. It is our hope that there are no fraudulent Vendors within this group!

  6. Be kind and respectful